Thursday, February 7, 2013

CSS Chap 1

This course turned out to be more interesting i thought. Not only am i learning things i always wondered but i am also putting a lot of puzzles together regarding web design.

There seems the be parent and child "classes" like in C#. For example how you give attributes to pictures. In the CSS doc you first make a parent class if you have many similar pictures, this handles attributes to all the pictures, than you make the child class where you write the location for the specific picture and alterations in the attributes if necessary. Than in the HTML Doc you just refer within a <div> to the pic name you gave the pic in the CSS doc. First you type the parent name like planets than the child name like Jupiter. If you just type Jupiter and have no attributes defined the padding, size and location will look strange.

Browsers have different rendering engines, safari and Chrome have the same. So if it works in Chrome it will work in Safari.

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