Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Vocalb, Tables, Differences, #footer a

Lets begin with some vocabulary since i consider this one of the most important things whenever approaching a new subject. Every subject has a bunch of new words that a beginner has to become familiar with before he can advance. With vocabulary i mean not just new words abut also, jargon, syntax etc. This is important because if you dont know them it will be difficult to get help if you get stuck somewhere along the way of you learning curv.

Todays new vocabulary: 

Selector{property:value}:  Style, Rule
Selector:  Tells the browser which element on the page to work with.
Declaration:  {everything inside here}
Property:  The attribute
Value:  #333333, 12px, etc
table:  Selector
tr:  Selector (tablerow), Used inside a table
td:  Selector (tabledata),Used inside a table
Pseudo  False or counterfeit; fake.
Pseudo classes  Used to add special effects to some selectors.
Syntax for P C  Selector:pseudo-class {property:value;}
:first-child  P.C.S, Selects the first element of its type within a parent.
td:first-child  P.C.S, Lets u design first row in a table for example. 
:nth-child(N)  P.C.S, alg exp (e.g. "2n" or "4n-1"). Good for even, odd styling.
tr:nth-child(2n+5)  P.C.S, Lets u design specific rows.
Id selector Style for a single, unique element. defined with a "#"
#container  Id.S ..HTML<div id ="container"> ... </div>
Class Selector  Used on several elements, defined with a "."/ Override can do!
.exampleID1 C.S HTML <p class='exampleID3'> text here</p>
Class Already HTML defined element, p, body, h1 etc


To tweak and customize tables was more difficult than i anticipated.


Not exactly 6:41

But 08:50, which is a huge improvement. Feel very sloppy and tired though, i think i need my daily fix of coffee before i could be any productive at all. I mean, it has almost passed 1hour since i woke up and the thing i have accomplished during this time has been so slow i could have done it in 10min.

Still, 8:50 is a huge improvement and i hope to get up earlier tomorrow.

Have to mention that i miss my girlfriend very much, we were talking on skype yesterday and she looked to stressed and robotic. I wish i could be there to hold her and help her feel more confident that she will pass everything.. Miss u babe!