Thursday, February 7, 2013

Change this color

How the fuck do i change the title color of one single posts and not all of them. I hope they explain this in my course. Been trying to find a solution for 2,5h now. I give up!!!!

The only useful think i learned after this research was how to navigate in the code. And how to change the color of the blog title "Diary" and have it different colors on the main page and the other pages. Just do like this.
Instead of.

Click to expand

Chinese session 1

Chinese words and associations

The difference between ”kou3”(r30) & ”wei2”(r31) isn’t much visually except that one is bigger than the other. But they hold a very interesting meaning to the characters they  contain.

-        Kou3 = mouth. Found in characters like(chi1)(he1), which means to eat & to drink.  Which are both actions that involve the mouth. 

-       Wei2 = No meaning alone. Found in char like (guo2 = Country), (qiu2 = Prisoner), Which has to do with containment.

More related words to ”kou3”(r30) & ”wei2”(r31)

Return “think that you have walked a circle in a labyrinth and returned where you began”.

Expert; only the, “A plant sprouting through the ground is certainly an expert”


Group “a group are >1 who are *contained*, and are experts”

zhi3 r34

“is a common component, traditionally considered to mean 'walk slowly'.” *A person running forward on a pair of stilts that’s why he is slow*
bing1 r15
s.f.o Ice
Ice *ice radical and water together, make logically the meaning ice*
Winter * In the  winter, you must walk slowly to avoid slipping on the ice under your fot*.

Picture, drawing “A framed winter makes a beautiful picture”.
Big, “A person with arms stretched out to mean "big".”
Cause, “A big person contained can certainly make a cause to escape”
For, on account of, as
yin1 wei4
Because *A cause + for = because*.

CSS Chap 1

This course turned out to be more interesting i thought. Not only am i learning things i always wondered but i am also putting a lot of puzzles together regarding web design.

There seems the be parent and child "classes" like in C#. For example how you give attributes to pictures. In the CSS doc you first make a parent class if you have many similar pictures, this handles attributes to all the pictures, than you make the child class where you write the location for the specific picture and alterations in the attributes if necessary. Than in the HTML Doc you just refer within a <div> to the pic name you gave the pic in the CSS doc. First you type the parent name like planets than the child name like Jupiter. If you just type Jupiter and have no attributes defined the padding, size and location will look strange.

Browsers have different rendering engines, safari and Chrome have the same. So if it works in Chrome it will work in Safari.

C# HF Chap 2

This chapter contain much knowledge i already possess. It talked about Variables, Namespaces, Classes, Methods and these basic stuff. 

What was interesting were the specifics for the from application buttons. Double click on them and you get a methods for what happens when a user click on that specific button.

MessageBox.Show("name is " + name
+ "\nx is " + x
+ "\nd is " + d);

Your program runs inside the CLR (Common Language Runtime). "P 45".

Snippet for""); is "mbox + tab tab."

n means that it will be a line break. Good Fact!

I didnt get time to finish this chapter so i will have to continue it later. I am on page 66. 

Dead fish

I am a dead fish today, didnt think that yesterdays training would result in sour muscles this fast. I could barely move out of bed. Lets hope i will be able to work out later in the evening.

Im very surprised i woke up this early today because i didn't fall asleep until 1:30 so i haven't been sleeping many hours this night. Why do i have this difficulty to fall asleep? Is it because of all the stress and things that need to be done. I sleep like a baby on my sleeping pills, and what does pills also treat is depression and stress, so maybe i am a bit depressed and stressed so i think to much before im about to sleep.

Anyway, today i will strive to get points for a perfect day. See you later.