Friday, February 8, 2013

Die webalta die!!!

I remember i wrote earlier today about this day being in danger of being fucked up. I havent done any university work so far and are quite tired in my head to be frank. I planted some seeds on my memrise account though.

Anyway, my girlfriend got a virus called Webalta which basically hijack your browser and makes it almost useless. She got this "virus" (adwware) when she was downloading a Russian version of Office. She probably search on Google for a Russian version and tried to download a legit one from a few different websites. What she didn't know was that you shouldn't download stuff from websites you don't know, that will guarantee you to get some kind of virus sooner or later.

Although we probably spent more than 5hours today trying to remove the virus (which we accomplished), i am quite proud she took things into her own hands, and really tried to get the Russian Office version. She has gotten a lot better at computers lately and try find solutions by her self. I made the same mistake in the beginning when i just had learned to download interesting stuff online. Than i learned that u should only download from a few trusted sites, and if these sites dosent have what you are looking for, you can try to find it on other sites, but be extra careful! For example, google the name of the site you are considering downloading something from and see what the users of the internet thinks about that site.

I am the one to blame a bit that she got this virus since i only installed the English version on her computer. I really wanted her to get used to work in English programs. Or to problem solve (like she did) to find the russian office online. I think she downloaded it from in the end.

To Conclude, i don't consider this day a fucked up at all. I am very satisfied we solved the problem and in doing so probably learned a lot on the way. I will spend the rest of this day just watching a movie and than go to sleep. It is after all next week my quest for success really begins, since Chinese new year is tomorrow. Ill follow my NY resolutions to 100% and will only watch one English movie a week and ban most of the serials.


I overslept by and hour and a half today and feel that my whole day is in danger of getting fucked up. Lets hope that is not the case!
The schedule that i plan to follow religiously can be found on the following link My Schedule  And as you can see today i planned to begin the day at nine, two hours later  than the rest of the weekdays.

What is even worse is that i forgot my dream, had an awesome one when i woke up at 08 to turn of my alarm. But unfortunately i didnt write down anything to make me remember the dream, from now on ill keep a notebook close to my bed.

Miss my honechka so much too, its so difficult to fall alseep alone right now when i got used sleeping next to you. Its so cold, empty and COLD!! I think i laid in bed for 1* before i feel asleep which has been the case for the whole week actually.

Ohh, and i am so happy that Sveta put an effort on chesshere :). So cool to see, she even had a conversation with one chessplayer during a game which is always nice. She will tell me about it tomorrow when we are going to celebrate Chinese NY together, and it better not have been a guy she spoke with!!! hehe ;)..