Monday, April 22, 2013

The last two weeks

Its been two weeks since i last posted something here. The first week, i had nothing to post, was doing chinese all the time. Right now im up in 600 characters even though 200 of them are the elements which basically doesnt mean anything. But i hope that with those memorized the new characters will come easier and be better remembered.

The second week, to much happened that i felt it would take to much time to write it in this blog. I decided i will write shortly about everything. My brother came last Wednesday, it was really cool to see him at the airport. We went straight to my apartment, and the first thing we did were to clean his room, it was really dirty since nobody had lived there in the last 8 months. Than we went and ate my favorite dish in ao mi xiang, which he also loved. Than we did some shopping and went to the football training.

The first weekend here for him was quite spectacular, and even though our memory are clouded from that night, he will never forget it, even though he dont really remember it :P. He lost his Iphone 4 somewhere, i damaged a table in the club so i got escorted to the police station. At the police station i spent 6h drunk and with no memory that i had done something bad. They wanted me to pay 10 000. At 8 a clock i called przemek because i didn't get anywhere in this thing i wanted to figure it out, or gain the knowledge in how long they could keep me there. It turned out that they were only allowed to keep me there for 8 hours. Than some translator (which im quite sure worked for the club) came, she was supposed to help me. She seemed to have some kind of relationship with the manager of the club because he listened when she told him to get me some food.

After some negotiation back and forth i offered to pay 1000rmb, which i didn't have. I had to call Andrew and Edvard for the money, and i will pay them back this Thursday. I signed some papers with a bogus name and passport number.

I am very happy that i have friend that will help when i run into problems. And a big thank to Przemek who sacrificed his whole Saturday to come and help me with translations. And for Andrew and Edward who answered that phone even though they were home sleeping, as dunk as i were.

As for the blog. I have decided that writing a daily post is to extreme. There is not much to write about in one single day, and also, later when i want to read the blog it will be to messy and to much to read though. Thats why i will keep it to a maximum of 3 post a week, and a minimum of 1.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Changing back my sleeping schedule

Time has come to an end, i am going back to a more normal sleeping schedule. The last few weeks with the "fucked" up sleeping schedule worked very well with my studies. It is so quite and calm to study at night, no distractions whatsoever. It was a long time ago i were this concentrated while studying.

Unfortunately this schedule doesn't work well with other important parts of my life like, training/football, connections with friends, eating etc. So to get back on track with those things i need to change it back. Gonna be something like, sleep 2am wake up 9am. So i will still get good study hours in the night, but still be up early to train and eat out if i want to.

This week is all going to be about Chinese. Now its time to go extreme  with is as i did with webdesign for the last two weeks.

Chinese chap 3

Character Chinese Translation Mem
shi3 Arrow, swear Picture of an arrow, pointing upwards.
zhi1 Know Arrow + mouth = To know
chuo4 r62 go
shou3 Head Picture of a 𦣻 head, with the 丷 hair at the top.
dao4 Way, path go with your head and you are on your way
知道 zhi1dao To know know the way is what you have to know to really know something
孩子 hai2zi Child
tai4 Great
太太 tai4tai Mrs, madame Someone who is great x2 is a Mrs.
gong1 r57 bow It represents a Chinese bow, with its handle in the middle
chang2 Long
zhang1 spread, expand Also a typical Chinese family name
you4 r29 again
huan1 like, joyous As long as you again take a breath, you will like it.
huan1ying2 welcome
cun4 r41 inch Headleass man sitting on the earth waiting to die.
she4 shoot, fire got shoot at my body, an inch from my heart.
谢谢 xie4xie Thanks words that get shoot a lot are thanks
喜欢 xi3huan1 To like F.C, earth+mouth+headnhair+mouth. So a person on the earth speaking with his mouth have a head with hair and mouth.
wu3 five 3 horizontal stroked + 2 vertical = 5 strokes
yu3 language words + 5 + mouth is enough to create a language.
da3 hit, play hands and nails are good to use when hitting smb.
dian4 electricity A field that gets hit by a lightning bolt.
电话 dian4hua4 Telephone Electricity speech, thats what a telephone basically is.
电话 da3dian4hua4 To call To hit a telephone"buttons" is what you need to do to call somebody
zi4 Character A 子 zǐ child under a 宀 roof, learning to write 字 zì characters.
生字 sheng1zi4 NewCharacter Give birth to new characters.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Im in trance

I put on some Trance/Techno music and begin to study, and before i know it 8 hours has passed. It has been like this for a week now, strange how i can concentrate for so long. I am mostly working on my fathers website, which begins to look like a website more and more now. I will post a link to it in the end of the post. I just cannot stop working on it, even though it is time to study Chinese now ive became to fixated and need to break lose. Unfortunately, i think i wont be able to break lose until i finished it, which will probably be in 2 weeks or so. It will be quite cool to have a real working website out there on the web, a website i could include in my CV. Not bad, not bad!

One more thing i have to mention. I am not going to the gym anymore, i mean, i want to and i am planning to go it is just that i cannot put myself to it. I play football 2-3 times a weeks though, but i would need to go to the gym at least 1 time a week to work on my chest.

Here's the link

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Longest break so far

This is the longest break i have been without posting. And it hasnt been due to lazyness or anything similar, the thing was that i needed to pay for the VPN again. I cannot access this blog without VPN connection because China thinks that blogger encouraging a free thinking behavior.

So what has been going on lately? Well, last week i studied most of the time. I finished the last exam in one of my courses, and began working on a website for my father. I learned alot about webdesign last week, the book headfirst html and css was really great at teaching.

Now it is a new week with new assignments. Since im finished with my webdesign course, i need to put my time on my Chinese course, so this week is all gonna be about Chinese. And some webdesign too, since im working with my fathers site still, it is almost finished though.